Sunday 10 June 2012

First Adventure

The first adventure!

So after being really gentle on my new KLR I decided to try a little adventure, my wife needed something at the grocery store (candy) so naturally I took my KLR. After picking up the required item I remembered a "road" behind the nearby plaza that went... I don't know where. SO I DECIDED TO EXPLORE, my first of many adventures. Not far down I found a rather large puddle, deciding to throw caution to the wind (I am driving a KLR after all) I would go through it, then during the ride kinda chickened out and went slowish and was unstable and fell in the much deeper and larger then I originally thought puddle!. My first drop... well I knew it would happen eventually but didnt figure that day, especially since I was in shoes and jeans (my first ever ride without motorcycle pants and boots, sounds like a good time to try a trail isn't it?). So I picked up my bike, was covered in mud went to the end of the road (dead end) and then went back home (walking the bike through said puddle). My first adventure, covered in mud!

 *my friend with the Harley Davidson was thinking at this point I was nuts to do that to my new bike I think


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