Monday, 2 July 2012

Fun in the mud

Some fun in the mud

So after a particularly unparticular day I decided to get on my bike and go for a nice little drive. Wasn't going anywhere too hard I thought maybe some back highways... well my KLR disagreed with me, it wanted to get dirty and have some fun. So I turned around on the roundabout that went to the highway and went back to a powerline route. Here's a few photos of that journey.

Suffice to say, I got muddy, the bike got muddy, there were places I thought I was getting stuck and I got to test out my new crash guards. They work very well. I also got told by my bike it will go where it wants to go and it is in control, hit a few spots I thought I was confident and in control... it showed me with a few wobbles that I need to respect it...

Great ride....

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